Mark Those Diodes!

MarcoPOLOLogo5Every now and then, I write about ambiguity with diode marking; like here, here, or here. It’s a pretty important subject to get right, but what does it have to do with Marco Polo, you ask? Well, that depends on whether you’re asking about the person or the game.

In the game, people try to find someone, without sufficient information. One person, designated “Marco” closes their eyes and periodically yells out “Marco.” The other people respond with “Polo”, and the Marco tries to find one of those other people with just the audible cue. For some critters, that’s an easy task, but for the average human it’s not always so easy — especially when the diode doesn’t audibly respond to “Marco.”

If you’re talking about the explorer, Marco Polo; well, he set off on an adventure, got lost, and either saw a bunch of cool stuff, or made up a bunch of cool stuff (depending on whom you ask).

Again, you ask … “What does this have to do with hamburgers in a handbag, or with diodes?”

It has to do with the fact that he didn’t know where he was going, and, that without clear marking, it’s not always possible to know which way to point the diode.

BlackPOLOSo, we’re celebrating Marco Polo month with our Screaming Circuits Marco Diodo Polo shirt.

If you place an order with Screaming Circuits during May, 2015, we’ll send you an email with instructions telling you how to get a free Marco Diodo Polo shirt after your next order (provided the order is placed between May 1, 2015 and on or before June 5, 2015). If you place an order between now and then, and promptly respond to the email, you can get one for free (a shirt. Not an order).

Duane Benson
Fifty-four fourty, or fight!