Fire Away

We at long last have added a comments section to the Circuits Assembly website. Specifically, readers may now add their two cents to all articles, op-ed pieces and news items.

We are using the Disqus platform for comments, a popular and robust tool for comment boards. Disqus is used by many, many newspapers around the country, and any readers with a Disqus profile may begin adding comments immediately. Those without one will need to register: it takes about 15 seconds and a valid email address.

For now, I’m not moderating comments before they are published. Hopefully, we never will need to.

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About Mike

Mike Buetow is president of the Printed Circuit Engineering Association ( He previously was editor-in-chief of Circuits Assembly magazine, the leading publication for electronics manufacturing, and PCD&F, the leading publication for printed circuit design and fabrication. He spent 21 years as vice president and editorial director of UP Media Group, for which he oversaw all editorial and production aspects. He has more than 30 years' experience in the electronics industry, including six years at IPC, an electronics trade association, at which he was a technical projects manager and communications director. He has also held editorial positions at SMT Magazine, community newspapers and in book publishing. He is a graduate of the University of Illinois. Follow Mike on Twitter: @mikebuetow