The Pb-Free Bookworm

How many books did you read last year? John R. Barnes claims 300 himself, and that’s just cover-to-cover. (In his free time, he devoured some 800 magazine articles.)

After seeing his own opus, I believe him. The former Lexmark engineer’s tome, Robust Electronic Design Reference Book, checks in at about 1,500 pages, including 122 pages of references. (Writing it took him 4,200 hours, says Barnes, who apparently documents pretty much everything.)

None of that it is the point of this post, however. Rather, I want to call attention to Barnes’ “other” effort — the documenting of all the available references to lead-free electronics. He has painstakingly cataloged and alphabetized the list, with links available here. This is a must bookmark for anyone involved in lead-free manufacturing, and the industry owes Barnes a standing ovation for compiling it.